Sausage, Zucchini and Spring Onion Frittata

Sausage, Zucchini and Spring Onion Frittata by Kim @littlehouseintheforest 🥚

Serves 4-8 depending on who is eating and if sides are served



1 lb sweet italian sausage

1 spring onion with greens, diced (or any onion will do)

1 small zucchini, diced

8 eggs

1/2 cup milk

1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

10 grinds fresh black pepper

1/2 tsp salt


Heat oven to 350 F. Beat eggs in a large bowl. Add milk, cheese, salt and pepper and mix well. Set aside. Heat a large cast iron over medium and add sausage and onion. Cook while breaking sausage up with wooden spoon until almost cooked through. Add zucchini and cook for another 2 minutes until sausage is no longer pink and zucchini starts to become tender. Add egg mixture and let cook for 2 minutes on stove without touching it. Put frittata in oven on middle rack and cook about 15 minutes. Move to top and cook 2-3 more minutes. Take out when you push top and can feel egg is cooked through. Let rest 5 minutes before serving. Enjoy!

*great with a salad or with toast and fruit.

*please be mindful of allergies to any ingredients

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